GREENER-Ex project, led by Agenex, has developed key investments for energy efficiency and RES all over the region.

GREENER-Ex is a Project developed by Agenex and funded by ELENA (European Investments Bank, EIB) with what we have carried out the Strategy for the investment in energy efficiency and RES in Extremadura. This Project was born because of the need of implementing improvements related to energy efficiency in the region.

Agenex developed a preliminary analysis about energy expenses, not only of the streetlight; also of the lighting of public buildings. The results were clarifying: there was a high potential of energy saving. Despite the commitment of the Regional Government of Extremadura in this field, there was no qualified technical staff to carry out this work. Therefore, Agenex requested a project from ELENA, a branch of financing of the European Investment Bank, to develop the project; signing the contract in December 2014.

It should be noted that both GREENER-Ex and the rest of the projects financed by ELENA do not finance energy investments. Instead, prior technical assistance is supported to develop specific actions that implement improvements in energy systems. Support is also offered to local and regional entities and investments in energy efficiency and renewable energies are promoted. In the case of Extremadura, this has been possible thanks to the feasibility studies previously carried out by Agenex, in which the best technologies have been identified; energy audits carried out in lighting and public buildings; the management of contracts and public tenders, as well as the follow-up of the works; and the identification of possible financial models that have allowed the execution of the investments, which in some cases were supported through the line JESSICA.

With this project, more than 160 municipalities in Extremadura have made investments in energy efficiency and renewable energy. The distribution of them is presented in the following graphic:


Thanks to GREENER-Ex, this model will be used for future energy improvements that will be developed in the 11 hospitals of the region, with an estimated total investment of more than 40 million euros. In total, the investments that have been executed today amount to approximately € 30M, a figure that increases to € 50M if we consider the amount tendered, and more than € 75M if we consider the technical support given as a whole.
