
Through this project, AGENEX can support local or regional entities in the following actions:

  • Technical assistance in the implementation study phases:
  • Feasibility analysis for the implementation of energy efficiency and renewable energy technologies.
  • Economic studies of investments in Energy Efficiency and/or Renewable Energies.
  • Economic studies of implementation of Energy Services (ESE).
  • Technical studies of implementation of new technologies in the area of "Intelligent City".
  • Technical assistance in pre-bidding process:
  • Preparation of technical and administrative specifications for investment bids.
  • Technical and legal advice.
  • Technical assistance in the bidding process:
  • Scheduling of proposals and participation in contracting tables.
  • Support in drafting the resolution and award report.
  • Support in resolving conflicts resulting from adjudication.

  • Technical assistance in the process of financing:
  • Advice on the different financing mechanisms.
  • Support in finding funding.

  • Possibility of contracting specialized legal services.

The ELENA programme does not finance the investment, but rather subsidises the technical work (Technical Assistance) needed to enable administrations to launch these investments.

There are three types of projects and programmes to which this support will be directed:

  • Los proyectos de inversión de energía eficiente y energías renovables tanto para edificios, alumbrado, y redes de calefacción y refrigeración, etc.
  • Transport projects supporting greater energy efficiency and the integration of renewable energy sources.
  • Infrastructure projects supporting progress and development in the above sectors, including smart grids, energy-efficient equipment, etc.

List of institutions, regional, provincial and municipalities that are taking advantage of the project's advantages:

Diputación de Badajoz
Diputación de Cáceres
Junta de Extremadura

Don Benito
Fregenal de la Sierra
Granja de Torrehermosa
Jerez de los Caballeros
Mancomunidad Tierra de Barros
Monterrubio de la Serena
Navalmoral de la Mata
Oliva de la Frontera
Puebla de la Calzada
San Pedro de Mérida
Santa Amalia
Valencia del mombuey
Villafranca de los Barros
Villanueva de la Serena